The U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development’s (ORD) national research programs are engaging states in the development of their FY23-26 Strategic Research Action Plans (StRAP4) to guide its research and development portfolio. Through its efforts on state engagement and work with ERIS, ORD is expanding its state participation on select Research Area Coordination Teams (RACTs) for the StRAP4 to improve the agency’s research utility. RACTs convene to refine research areas and strategic outputs to meet environmental and public health research goals. The state member will provide their state’s perspective to the RACT and serve as a liaison.
ORD is looking for state staff interested in participating on the RACTs for Safe and Sustainable Water Resources (focus areas); Chemical Safety for Sustainability (focus areas) and Health & Environmental Risk Assessment (focus areas); Sustainable and Healthy Communities (focus areas) and Homeland Security (focus areas); and Air, Climate & Energy (focus areas).
You are welcome to nominate someone or volunteer to participate on one of the RACTs (see draft synopses linked to learn more and review the ‘focus areas’ excel sheets with specific teams for involvement and suggestions ORD has received of potential state members where collaborative relationships already exist). Please send a compiled list of interested nominees and teams to Lisa Matthews and Erin McCabe no later than September 15. Prior to joining the RACTs, ORD will request confirmation of selected state members from their supervisor or above by sending Lisa this letter.
Timing is estimated to be about 10 percent of the person’s time beginning in October and ending in June 2022. ORD’s aim is that at least half of the 51 RACTs supporting the development of StRAP4 will include state environmental and public health agency members.