Read Partnerships for Environmental Health Challenges Show the Way Forward by EPA’s Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta about the significance of the ECOS-ASTHO-EPA ORD partnership to protect environmental health.
Air Quality Webinars
This document provides a list of upcoming and archived stormwater webinars. If you have any to add to this, please contact us at
Stormwater Webinars
This document provides a list of upcoming and archived stormwater webinars. If you have any to add to this, please contact us at
Report on 2020 ERIS Survey of State Research Needs
Every two years, ERIS surveys the directors of the state environmental agencies to identify key research needs to share with U.S. EPA and others. This report presents the results of the 2020 survey that found strong interest research and tools to address PFAS, nutrients in water, and small drinking water system challenges.
If you know of research or tools that address needs identified in this report, please email Carolyn Hanson.
New Research Funding Opportunities Available
U.S. EPA is looking for research proposals to address behavioral, technical, and practical aspects of interventions and communication strategies to reduce exposures and/or health risks of wildland fire smoke. The agency is also seeking research proposals that will provide the best available science needed to support states, municipalities, and utilities in determining potential risk from pollutants found in biosolids and developing standards and policies for biosolids management.
Wildfire Resources
ERIS is aware of the challenges to minimize and strains of state resources to mitigate the environmental effects of wildfires. As wildfires continue to rage in the western U.S., ERIS is compiling research and resoures to assist state environmental agencies in their efforts. The homepage of the ERIS webpage has some wildfire smoke and post-fire recovery resources, and U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development compiled this document with resources related to wildfires.
If you have a favorite that we should share, email Sarah Grace Longsworth.